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校园焦点:博士. 瑞安·斯托克斯

Dr. 瑞安·斯托克斯

Dr. 瑞安·斯托克斯
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Associate Dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies



我在鲍灵格林长大, Kentucky, which is best known as the place where Corvettes are manufactured and the home of the National Corvette Museum. What is not as well know is that Bowling Green is also the location of the headquarters of Fruit of the Loom.

When did you first know that an education in theology was what you wanted to pursue?

While I was a college student and was involved in one of my university’s campus ministries, 我感觉到上帝在呼召我去做全职的基督教事工. 在我大三的秋天, 我在考虑该怎么接这个电话, I happened to enroll in a course on the life and teachings of the apostle Paul. 在这门课和之后的圣经课程中, I discovered that studying and teaching the Bible in an academic context fit perfectly with how God had wired me. 在我大三结束的时候, I had decided to enroll in seminary and eventually earn a PhD in Biblical Studies. Although academics and ministry are often thought to be unrelated or even at odds with each other, for me, working with students in an academic context is how I fulfill my calling to ministry.

What are you most excited about in your new role as associate dean of the School of Biblical and Theological Studies?

It is an honor and a blessing to serve alongside of my colleagues in the School of Biblical and Theological Studies as we work to prepare students’ hearts, minds, 以及基督教领袖的双手. 就像卡森-纽曼的很多部门一样, the School of Biblical and Theological Studies has assembled a highly qualified team of faculty and has attracted some extremely gifted students. I hope that my new position will afford me greater opportunity to assist my colleagues in their work, to get the word out about the extraordinary quality of our school, 并改变我们学生的生活.

In a world that is seeing rapid and incredible advancements in 技术, 旅行与知识, what would you answer someone who asks how ancient Scriptures continue to be relevant today?

While the world that we live in today is in many respects very different from the world of the Scriptures, the human predicament and God’s solution to it are the same now as they were thousands of years ago. 尽管医学取得了巨大的进步, 技术, 以及许多其他领域的知识, 人类继续受到罪恶的攻击, suffering, and death. 我们是生活在破碎世界里的破碎的生命. The Scriptures teach us that God’s solution to this problem is Jesus Christ. In Christ, 我们盼望有一天神会与我们同住, 他会擦去我们眼中的每一滴眼泪, 死亡也不再有了(启21:3-4).

Which of Jesus’ disciples would you say you most relate to and why?

严肃的回答. 其中一个门徒为了钱出卖了耶稣. The other eleven either abandoned Jesus or denied him when they encountered potential persecution. The real possibility that I might do any of these things truly frightens me.

If you could go back to biblical times and visit with any person other than Jesus, 会是谁呢?, 你会问他们的第一个问题是什么?

我可能会和詹姆斯长谈, 耶稣的兄弟, who was an apostle and one of the primary leaders of the early church. If I could not speak directly with Jesus, I would want to speak with someone who knew him well.

What is your greatest hope for students studying theology at Carson-Newman?

过去的几个月, 我一直在为我们的学生祷告罗马书12:2, specifically that they “will be transformed by the renewing of their minds.” I hope that our students will think about the Scriptures carefully, clearly, 以这种方式影响着他们生活的方方面面. I hope that they will accept nothing less in life than being faithful followers of Christ who serve others and help them also to become faithful followers of Christ.

你要自驾游. 你的播放列表中有哪些艺术家?

我的播放列表里肯定会有bsamla Fleck, 穿孔兄弟, 比利的字符串, 以及其他一些当代蓝草乐队. 除非我妻子和我一起旅行. Then, instead of bluegrass, we would listen to contemporary Christian music and true crime podcasts. 我的妻子非常复杂.

If you could become a master at any musical instrument, what would it be?

In my spare time, I am doing my best to learn to play the 5-string banjo.


There are so many incredible players whose powers I would steal if I could, 但bsamla Fleck在名单上名列前茅.

If you were stuck on a desert island with a TV that could only play one movie, 那会是什么电影啊?

Ben Hur1959年的版本由查尔斯顿·赫斯顿主演.








卡森-纽曼是一个大学社区, every component of which is designed with one purpose in mind: to encourage students to follow Christ more faithfully. 来自校园事工, 对于运动, 我们严谨的学者, 以及其他学生经历, we are all working together to transform students’ lives for Christ.


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